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Drei Personen stehen um einen Laptop und unterhalten sich
Icons: DORA, Approve und Oblivation


We ensure the future of our customers.

Together, we shape the cloud services of tomorrow, today. Our innovations contribute to our customers' success in the market. Delivering the best state of technology is our standard, digitization our mission.


The enthusiasm of our customers is our greatest motivation.

We are committed to fostering relationships based on equality. Exceptional efforts lead to extraordinary results. Personal communication enables quick decisions and trustworthycooperation. We deliver on what we promise.

Porträt von zwei Männern in einem Kreis
Logos: BayWa, KSB
Zwei Personen schauen gemeinsam auf ein Tablet
Zertifikate: EU Cloud Code of Conduct, Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue (C5), ISO 27001 & ISO 27018


Outstanding services let our customers shine.

We elevate our customers to a digital pole position. Demanding audits and certifications confirm the information security of our cloud services. Transparency and traceability of processes enforce compliance.


Honest commitment fosters a fair and livable togetherness.

We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy benefiting our stakeholders. Together, we ensure the long-term survival of a successful ecosystem.

Zwei lachende Kinder
Logo Fabis Kindernest