You have found a suitable position on our website or are basically interested in working at Fabasoft? Then we are looking forward to your application. Here we have listed more detailed information and tips on the application process.
How do I apply to Fabasoft?
We only accept applications via our online form enclosed to the job advertisements published on our career website. Once we have received your application, it will be processed as quickly as possible and you will be notified by e-mail. Your documents will then be forwarded to the responsible manager.
Which documents are required?
When you apply using our online form, you can see which data and documents we need to get an idea of you:
1. Cover letter
The cover letter should show why exactly YOU are the right person to fill the vacancy. Try to explain your interest in the job as well as your personal motivation and argue in a comprehensible way. We are also interested in why you would like to work at Fabasoft. Please also answer organizational questions here, such as the best time to reach you or details about your notice period.
2. Curriculum vitae
The curriculum vitae (CV) should basically describe your previous career.
The more detailed and complete your CV is, the easier it is for us to get a first impression. It is important for us to know what experience you have gained and what tasks you have already been entrusted with. A detailed explanation of your areas of responsibility and activities is therefore helpful.
3. Certificates and references
Training certificates and references or recommendations confirm your qualifications and expertise. They give us information about the intensity of your training and your main focus. In addition, they also signal your willingness to continue your training and further education respectively.
If we should need further proof from you, we will contact you directly.
Here is an important application tip: We pay particular attention to the structure of the CV and how easy it is to follow. It is also important to pay attention to spelling in all application documents.
When can I expect a first response?
We will try to give you initial feedback on your application quickly. We pay great importance to a tight application process, because often our teams need support as soon as possible. So you will definitely get feedback from us – if possible within two weeks.
What happens if the feedback is positive?
The next step is an initial interview, either personally, by phone or as an online meeting. How the initial application round is conducted depends on the department in which the position has to be filled. The recruiting team at Fabasoft will be happy to answer your questions on this at any time.
The successful first interview is followed by the second interview and the signing of the employment contract. Then the onboarding starts.
Concluding remarks
In case you receive a rejection from us, do not hesitate to send a new application for a suitable position. If you have registered to be added to the talent pool, we can also actively contact you when there is a suitable vacancy.
With this in mind – we are looking forward to receiving your application!
If you have any questions, check the career website or write to us, we will be happy to help you.