What to expect
Nowadays, people consume content in very different ways and on many different channels. To reach as many readers as possible, publishers and associations must adapt to this new user behavior.
Media-neutral content based on the "content-first" approach is the key to success. This allows you to publish your content quickly and easily on different channels while reducing your production costs.
In our two webinars with the Digital Publishing Report, we looked at both the strategic perspective and the operational, software-based implementation as well as providing exciting insights into our cloud-based multichannel publishing system.
In this context, we received a number of interesting questions, which is why we have once again answered them compactly in a free whitepaper.
Among other things, we address the following questions:
- How do I manage to raise my publishing to a new level?
- What does a classic project workflow with Xpublisher look like?
- What about the security of my data?
- What role does AI play in the Xpublisher multichannel publishing system?
- Answers to these and many more questions can be found in our whitepaper.
Are you interested in the whitepaper? Use the contact form to get immediate access free of charge (note: this whitepaper is only available in german).
Do you still have questions or are you interested in a free live demo of Xpublisher? Please contact Christian Keck directly via email or LinkedIn.