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Success Story

Siemens Energy: “Predictive Quality” through smart quality management

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Siemens Transformers uses Fabasoft Approve as a cross-plant CAQ system to fully cover the PDCA cycle and make data-based predictions of the product- and process-related quality of its transformers.
locations in eight countries use Approve
> 3.000
“Approve, our cross-plant quality management software, gives us the transparency we need to make the right decisions and proactively avoid potential errors.”
Stefan Klaassen Head of Power Transformers, Siemens Energy
Stefan Klaassen, Leiter Power Transformers bei Siemens Energy
This is why Siemens Energy is so enthusiastic about Approve
Cross-plant quality management
Siemens Energy uses a digital, company-wide standardized quality management software for 14 locations in eight countries.
Standardized interfaces
Existing IT systems, particularly SAP, can easily be integrated at any time via standardized interfaces.
Customizing thanks to low-code platform
Approve can be customized at any time by citizen developers from specialist departments – without any programming knowledge.

Inspection planning, i.e. the creation of digital checklists for quality control, takes place entirely in Approve. Any defects detected can be easily recorded using a smartphone or tablet and provided with additional information (such as the procedure for rectification). The allocation of necessary immediate, corrective, and preventive measures is workflow-controlled and therefore completely automated in accordance with the 8D problem-solving process for complaint management. This means that the process of recording, tracking, and rectifying defects always remains transparent and traceable.

Siemens suppliers and customers are integrated into all quality-relevant processes (8D report, etc.), which significantly accelerates cross-company collaboration. Those responsible immediately receive the necessary information about a defect and the tasks required to rectify it. In addition, all communication regarding order-relevant documents (drawings, certificates, etc.) takes place via the integrated supplier portal.

Predictive Quality enables predictions to be made about potential future quality defects in a product through automated monitoring of all production parameters. This makes it possible to carry out corrections before completion and to reduce the need for reworking within the company. Thanks to Approve, Siemens Energy now achieves data-based prediction of product- and process-related quality.

Siemens Energy Transformers

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