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All Fabasoft solutions. One common base.

Digitalisierte Zusammenarbeit - Contracts
Logo Mindbreeze

Artificial intelligence

Mindbreeze AI turns your data into actionable insights and automates routine tasks.
PROCECO Cloud Logo

Powerful ECM, ERM and BPM

With its powerful ECM, ERM, and BPM capabilities, the Fabasoft Cloud is the technological cornerstone of all Fabasoft solutions.

Uncompromising data security

Fabasoft Cloud and Solutions offer robust security to protect your company data.

Logo TÜV 27001
Logo BSI C5
Logo COC Cloud
Logo SOC2 Type 2
Logo TÜV 20000

The Fabasoft Solutions

For seamless and secure information sharing across organizations.

Mann schaut auf Tablet

Industrial DMS/QMS

Accelerate document and quality processes with Fabasoft Approve.
3 Personen sitzen an Besprechungstisch

Meeting Management

Organize and manage your meetings securely and traceably with Fabasoft Boards.
Mann lest einen Vertrag auf Papier und am Tablet

Contract Management

Manage your contracts smart and easy with Fabasoft Contracts.
Fabasoft DORA - Digitales Auslagerungsmanagement

Outsourcing Management

Use Fabasoft DORA to demonstrably meet regulatory requirements and benefit from efficient audit processes.
Fabasoft Oblivation on PROCECO-Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung

Sustainability Reporting

Fabasoft Oblivation provides you with customised answers for your CDP questionnaire.
lächende Dame


The future of digital business management
Frau in blau-weiß gestreiftem Hemd arbeitet mit einem Tablet.

Editorial and publishing system

Publish your content with Xpublisher in a borderless, media-neutral way.

Become part of the Fabasoft ecosystem.