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New partners: Medienverband der freien Presse and Deutsche Fachpresse


Created on 25. February 2025

Partnerschaft Xpublisher MVFP Deutsche Fachpresse

In February 2025, Fabasoft Xpublisher GmbH became a strategic partner of the Medienverband der freien Presse (MVFP) and a supporting member of Deutsche Fachpresse. This partnership makes it possible to further expand the close cooperation with magazine publishers and to respond specifically to the needs of the media industry. 

The exchange with the members of the MVFP and Deutsche Fachpresse forms the basis for actively supporting digitization and increasing efficiency in publishing houses and jointly developing forward-looking strategies for modern publishing. 

The MVFP represents the interests of more than 350 publishers and is committed to the continued existence of the free press. It supports its members with advice, networking events and specialist information. In addition, the German Trade Press Association promotes the common economic and political concerns of its member companies and provides up-to-date industry knowledge.

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