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Five good reasons why Xpublisher is the Cloud DAM champion

Results of the customer survey and assessment by the experts

Matthias Kraus

Created on 06. March 2024

Header picture with diamond diagram and certificate
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Every year, Heise’s research and analyst firm techconsult surveys more than 3,000 users and solicits their opinions on the software products they use. Users give their assessment of specific solutions based on 70 categories, and techconsult evaluates the product manufacturers separately. Only the top 26 providers with the best results are listed in the diamond chart.

Xpublisher was ranked number one in Cloud Digital Asset Management (Cloud DAM), winning over its customers and techconsult’s experts to secure the title of Champion 2024. The diagram shown below illustrates how our DAM compares with other products and how each positioning is based on the user rating for the specific software as well as industry experts’ evaluation of the company.

In this blog post, we share some insight into the five most important criteria that have propelled Xpublisher to the top.

Find out which factors are important to our users, which categories scored the highest user ratings, and what trends for cloud DAM the study reveals.

diamond diagram

1. Outstanding service and customer care

Xpublisher users greatly appreciate the reliable availability of the service team and rate the competence of the employees as extremely high. Our users confirmed that customer requests are processed swiftly and the quality of the software documentation is exceptional, making self-help troubleshooting easy.


2. Cloud DAM reliability, speed, and user-friendliness

Software stability is crucial for user-friendliness and customer satisfaction. That’s why our program’s top score in the area of stability is such a key factor for the Champion rating.
Our users are extremely satisfied with the interfaces and integration with other programs. Xpublisher is also easily scalable, so that license or storage requirements can be changed quickly.


3. Process optimization and workflow digitalization

Our users see a significant increase in efficiency thanks to automated workflows, which simplify their work and raise their level of satisfaction appreciably.
By standardizing business processes, the quality of their work rises and workflows become more transparent. Those surveyed at management level particularly appreciate the resulting cost reduction.


4. Optimized teamwork

Xpublisher’s version management feature enables time travel for every document or image, so that previous versions can be retrieved at any time and changes can be tracked. Our customers cited this feature as a key factor for our Cloud DAM’s top ranking. Having a clear overview of processes and media assets makes collaboration much easier and more efficient.


5. A focus on sustainability 

Resource conservation is an increasingly important issue that companies around the world need to address if they aim to remain competitive and have a positive impact on society and the planet. As part of the Fabasoft Group, Xpublisher uses servers and offices powered by green electricity and designs sustainable marketing materials. The Austrian software product company is committed to the environment in a number of other areas and supports social causes including equal rights and charitable projects like the Caritas Lerncafé. Our customers have rewarded our commitment in the area of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) with the highest rating.

Key takeaways

The interviews and individual evaluations clearly show that, in addition to reliable software, good customer relations and personal service also play a key role when it comes to satisfaction with a Cloud DAM solution. Automated processes, clear asset organization, and faster data searches make everyday work noticeably easier. 

In addition, the results also confirm that our users place a high value on the stability, sustainability, and accessibility of our program. Our certifications, which demonstrate that Xpublisher is auditable and as such fully compliant, give users peace of mind in terms of their own company policies and legal requirements.
Xpublisher receives the "Best Cloud DAM" certificate in recognition of its top ratings.


Certificate for the best cloud dam


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