Success Story
FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg: Fast knowledge transfer
The institute for Book Science at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg is engaged in research and teaching of type-based media.
Scientific publishing in the Publishing Industry 4.0 is collaborative, online, and XML based. Xeditor and Xpublisher offer the technological platform building block for the customizable and qualitative implementation of cross-media workflows via standard components. Standardized individual performance development of publishing workflows via a modular system instead of cumbersome monolithic standard solutions!Jörn Fahsel Scientific Manager Publishing 4.0

The implementation of Xpublisher enabled productive use from day 1 without intensive training and supports collaborative workflows across all boundaries.
Support in all areas of research
In Xpublisher, you can create, edit, and publish scientific content.
Customization to requirements
The system is being tailored to fit the unique requirements and workflows of a company.
Collaborative workflows
Xpublisher enables efficient collaboration between authors, reviewers and editors, regardless of their location.
Direct productive deployment
Thoughtful configuration of toolbar, context menus, and keyboard assignments enable quick utilization of the system without extensive training.
Collaborate with various persons worldwide on scientific content.
Create media-neutral content for automated processing and simplified scientific publication.
The system is ready for immediate use and is continously evolving to meet your requirements.