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From desktop to web: Why it pays to move from desktop editors like XMetaL XML Editor to browser-based alternatives

About the advantages of cloud-based solutions

Matthias Kraus

Created on 04. August 2021

Laptop displays a XML text document in a web interface
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In spite of increased digitalization, the way we create documents has barely changed at all in the past decade. And even as the amount of time spent online has skyrocketed, text editing is still largely done locally on a desktop. Web- and cloud-based tools, including editors like Xeditor, deliver a number of technical and economic advantages when compared with conventional word processing programs such as Microsoft Word and desktop editors like XMetaL, Arbortext, and Oxygen.


Agile mobile working is gaining ground

The decision to use a web editor is primarily a commitment to a mobile and agile way of working. These tools not only deliver optimization that spans devices, they also provide for personal access to all information and all documents at any time from any location.

By contrast, desktop editors like XMetaL XML Editor are installed on a physical device and the data is ostensibly stored securely there. By the same token, this limits the functionality of the application. If a device’s storage space is limited, or if the device is outdated or inoperable, then the same applies to the program. If worse comes to worst, the data will be lost. With web-based software, you don’t have to worry about that.


Unlimited collaboration in the cloud

Online editors simplify work processes and facilitate collaboration within the team and beyond. Documents stored centrally in a cloud can be accessed and edited in no time at all. Instead of exchanging data in a muddled and tedious chain of e-mails, users can access and collaborate on the same documents in real time.


Straightforward integration and maintenance

The editor’s web-based architecture ensures that it can be easily integrated into the customer’s own system landscape without requiring complex and time-consuming installation. And connecting third-party systems is just as simple.

Compared to desktop editors, servicing is easy and cost-effective. Updates run automatically in the background rather than being performed one at a time on several devices.

Servers are equipped with web tools that are regularly monitored and maintained by experienced administrators. This also ensures maximum data security at all times.


Briefly summarized

Browser-based XML editors satisfy the following requirements:

  • Access from any device and operating system – any time from anywhere.
  • A flexible approach to work, both online and offline.
  • Minimal effort and low costs for integration and ongoing maintenance.
  • Updates are performed centrally.
  • Users with different roles can use the files at the same time.
  • Simple, in-depth collaboration.
  • Maximum security for your data.


The benefits of switching to a browser-based XML editor

When it comes to XML editors, the message is clear: Go cloud. Only web tools allow users to work flexibly on content, whenever and from wherever they are, no matter which operating system they use. Xeditor is a professional leading-edge online XML solution. Thanks to its web-based architecture, Xeditor organizes and stores XML documents centrally. This gives authors the ability to create, edit, and review structured content in any modern browser.

Even offline, Xeditor provides real-time validation. What’s more, the data is stored directly in in-house data centers that comply with the maximum security standards.

To pave the way for publishing that keeps pace with the future, the benefits of digital document creation and editing definitely make the case for a switch from a desktop-based editor like XMetal XML Editor to a web-based product like Xeditor.

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