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Work intuitively

Create and edit XML documents without technical know-how.

Guided authoring

Benefit from automatic quality assurance right from the editing process.

Structured content

Lay the foundation for media-neutral multichannel publishing thanks to structured content.

Create structured content easily and efficiently

With the aid of XML, the web-based editor lets you create content, add semantic markup, process it automatically and publish it with maximum efficiency across a whole range of channels.

Authors of subject-specific content benefit from the intuitive, Microsoft Word-like What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get user interface. Technical editors use the familiar tag display mode or the native XML editor.

Illustration of an XML document in Xeditor
Two editors sit at a laptop and work together on a specialist article.
 Illustrated comment feature in Xeditor

Make collaboration effortless

The web-based XML editor is device independent and runs in the browser. Multiple authors can collaborate from wherever they are, whenever they want, from any device.

Integrated change tracking and commenting capabilities streamline the review process considerably, and result in a digital dialog that provides a holistic overview.

Create valid XML documents whenever you want

Guided authoring benefits everyone involved in editing a document. Every change is validated in real time against the stored XML schema and Schematron, ensuring rule-compliant work and maximum semantic quality for your documents.

Use the XML schema that is right for you - regardless of whether it is a publisher-specific standard schema such as LitML (parsX), JATS, JATS BITS, NISO- STS or one you have developed yourself.

Illustration of validation information and guided authoring in the Online XML editor Xeditor.
We as Wolters Kluwer are very pleased with collaborating with Xpublisher. The highly configurable and modern solution supports us in further modernizing our editorial processes, enlarging the collaboration with authors and reduce complexity. The company has done a great job in understanding our needs and act jointly on remedies.
Sven Krantz-Knutzen Associate Director Editorial, Content & Knowledge Management, Wolters Kluwer
Sven Krantz Knutzen, Associate Director Editorial, Content & Knowledge Management, Wolters Kluwer

Schedule your personal live demo now

Our experts will be happy to get in touch with you to discuss your requirements and then present the most important functionalities of the solution in a live demo.

Success Stories

Numerous companies around the world benefit from the integrated online XML editor.